Fire Station Debt Exclusion

Facts cited in support of project need:

  • Outdated facility (b. 1947) at a time when fire equipment was smaller and weighed less.  Dated HVAC and electrical systems.
  • Inadequate floor, space, and mobility for indoor storage of equipment


Item Cost Budget
Swing Land Purchase $4,443,000 Operating Budget
Design Costs (incl below) Debt Exclusion
Station with Swing Space $22,140,000 Debt Exclusion
Total $26,583,000

Because the swing space land is not ultimately consumed by the project, one might ignore the cost of that land.  However, it seems likely that the town will retain the land unless “encouraged” by citizens to relinquish after this and other projects (i.e. police station) which may use this swing space.

There are additional costs of using the swing space which might not be represented above.

The Bedford fire station will have two open houses to give prospective voters an opportunity to learn about why this station requires replacement.

  • Thursday Nov 16, 9am-11am
  • Sunday Nov 19, 12pm-1pm